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November is National Native American Heritage Month

A Tewa Indian maiden (signified by the squash-blossom hair style) named Chaiwa,

photographed by Edward S. Curtis in 1922.

Source:  Wiki

I had a boyfriend blankety-blank years ago and he is a cowboy.  Big belt buckles and everything.  The best thing about dating him was that he loved Native American culture as much as I did.  We went to authentic pow-wows, hung out around horses, and wore authentic cowboy boots.  Mine were pink.  LOL.  But my love of Native American culture didn't just come from dating him although I am reluctantly willing to admit that it did help a little. 

If you haven't already done so, kindly check out some of my blog posts about Native American tribes like California's Chumash Indians and The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians as well as Thanksgiving: Reality or Myth? and my general post about the beauty of Native American Brown Girls.  Native culture is fascinating (see the unique Tewa Indian maiden photo above) and I really wish more people cared.
On October 30, 2009, President Barack Obama proclaimed November as National Native American Heritage Month and...as usual...I plan to celebrate in my own little way.  But as I've said before, I'm not just celebrating this month, but every month.  After all, as the First Peoples of America, their legacy, IMHO, is to be honored.

Photo source: History.org

"American Indians and Alaska Natives have guided our land stewardship policies, added immeasurably to our cultural heritage, and demonstrated courage in the face of adversity. From the American Revolution to combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have fought valiantly in defense of our Nation as dedicated servicemen and women. Their native languages have also played a pivotal role on the battlefield. During World Wars I and II, Native American code talkers developed unbreakable codes to communicate military messages that saved countless lives. Native Americans have distinguished themselves as inventors, entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and scholars. Our debt to our First Americans is immense, as is our responsibility to ensure their fair, equal treatment and honor the commitments we made to their forebears." -From the Presidential Proclamation by the President of the United States of America