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Fine Art Prints for Christmas

 Copyright Carla Coulson

Paris is in the grip of photo fever. Two fabulous photo festivals, La Mois de la Photo and Paris Photo are on in Paris which have us hopping from one photographic exhibition to another. Heavenly photos of every genre grace the walls of Museums, galleries and street walls and are hotbed of inspiration. I can hardly sleep thinking of all the images I have seen and the ones out there still to see.

There is no greater celebration for a photographer than to have an exhibition, to see his/her images printed beautifully and hanging on a gallery wall for all to see. And an even greater thrill to see them hanging on a wall in someone's home.

I can hardly wait to start my next series of photos, they have been rolling around in my head for so long I can't wait get them out of my head and onto film (yes I will be using film).

In the meantime I am finally organised myself to do fine art print sales for this Christmas. I have had so many people recently ask to purchase images for their loved ones as a gift that I would like to share my prints with all of you. 

If you would like more information on what prints and images are available please send me a note here.

If you are in Paris don't forget the shows. Carla x