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lavender as I see it


for many years my association with lavender-and its offspring-lavender mauve and the old lavenders revolved around my mother's elegant and somewhat off putting, Aunt Maude. She subscribed to these Victorianish matronly hues-these were the colors she wore. Maude was once a beauty, tallish- and still quite an imposing presence.

 young Maude, on her wedding day, & as I always saw her as the lady in lavender

I begin collecting amethyst about 20 years ago-it is the one thing I have consistently continued with. Geodes, jewelry and some handbags.

In 2005 I added the color to my decorating palette.

thank you Maude.

many of the inspired works are favorites and I find constant inspiration from BWS at It's about Time the blog here-some of the images are from her own overwhelming library of knowledge. at It's About Time works are presented by artists, themes, styles- and always with great deference to the artists and with little critique-leaving that to the viewer and Time.

the artists: Paul Swan "Isadora Duncan", Degas "The Milliners", Ensor "The Souvenirs", Liotard "Maria of Austria" a young Marie Antoinette, Gorgione " A Young Man", Gustave van de Woestyne "Portret van Prudence De Schepper Boldini "Portrait of Lina Cavalierii", Pietro Fabris "Stones and Crystals"
