pictures above: the most ancient family in Rome, Prince and Princess Massimo in their residence, Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne. An ancestor of the prince, a previous Prince Massimo, was defeated during the Napoleonic Wars. After he was captured he was brought before Napoleon, who said to him, “My dear Prince, I gather that you are descended from Fabius Maximus, who led the armies of Rome against Hannibal in 217 B.C.” The Prince replied, “My dear Emperor, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of that statement, but it has been a rumor in our family for a thousand years.” (texted linked to original here)
in repose the Recchi family
though there are things about the movie- I AM LOVE - I do not LOVE- there are certainly No words of disdain for the atmospherics and the interiors. The use of location for the Recchi family home proves my ongoing perception that the past is only just under any surface- in this case it is what we see.
...And it looks very modern.
Piero Portaluppi's 1932 Villa Campiglio is the setting for I AM LOVE. GO to this beautifully laid out story by Taccuini Internazionali Here
Piero Portaluppi: Villa Campiglio (1932-1935), Milano via Mozart 12 – Hall