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tete a tete

nick and nora 
tete a tete

this year
I am going to be more like Nora
(having mastered the not looking too pretty in the mornings)

I am moving on to-

more making of witty quips
more taking of swanky trips
more stylish clothes to give me a lift
look for someone- something like Nick-
if I could do a Nora-
how charmed you would be
I'd be  "darling" something
a little less me.

to resolve is a danger
I shan't like to fail
but in making the effort
it might turn out really swell.

keep me in line dears
I'll need all your help
visit each day
 to see how I've dealt.

I can't go on rhyming
I'm really quite spent-
so keep it quite closely 
this new year 
tete a tete.