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Around the World with One Brown Girl (Okay, Two)

Okay.  There's no way around this.  This blog post is one of those shameless plugs and a humble call to action.  Here's the dealio:

So I got really excited a few months ago and recorded a video (in one take!) which I used as my entry for Wyndham's Women on Their Way Local Nation Contest which will award 10 bloggers with a chance to blog for Wyndham in 2011!  Of course I'd love to re-record it (you know how that is, right?), but since I can't, I'd like to ask that you (1) click this link > WOMEN ON THEIR WAY -Around the World with One Brown Girl (2) read my little blurb (3) watch my corny video (smiling) and (4) then vote for me so that I can represent Brown Girls everywhere!  The only thing you have to promise me...is that you won't laugh.  : /  You can vote once per day through January 31, 2011 and I won't be mad at you if you decide to spread the word via Facebook, Twitter or your own social network! Thank you (so much) for your consideration!  Happy travels...

P.S.  Lola, a Brown Girl in Sweden, is in a similar contest to get to the North Pole.  While you're voting, please vote for Lola too!  See http://www.blogyourwaytothenorthpole.com/entries/15.