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The One Brown Girl Challenge


Photo by One Brown Girl

Martinique, French West Indies / January 15, 2011
Follow Your Bliss
Dictionary.com defines bliss as supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment.  Wiki describes bliss as a state of profound satisfaction, happiness and joy, a constant state of mind, undisturbed by gain or loss.  When I saw this little girl swinging outstretched over the sea from a rope tied to a palm tree, I saw bliss.  This little Creole Brown Girl looks free as a bird.  (I wonder if birds feel bliss when they fly?)
While I am not in the self-help business, I am in the business of enjoying my life and following my own bliss...whatever that may be.  You see, I think bliss is relative.  For some, it's riding a killer wave, staring at the stars or being at church; while for others, it might be reading a good book, puttering around in the garden or engaging with children or seniors.  It comes.  It goes.  And then it comes back again.  But the coolest part is that bliss is always within reach.  I really belive that.
Naturally, The Ultimate is to live a life that is more blissful than not.  That's what I try to do.  But hey, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't *chuckling*.  All I can really do is My Best...and with the utmost love and respect, I challenge you to do the same. 
Cheers to finding your bliss!
Fun News!  In May of 2011, I entered a Facebook photo contest (on a fluke!) put on by Luxury Link using the above photo, one of my absolute favorites.  And guess what?  After being selected as one of 5 finalists, I was notified (on June 2, 2011) that my photo: Pure Bliss à la plage Martinique was the winner!  Thanks to all of my OBG Facebook advocates for their votes and thanks to Luxury Link for the Amazon Kindle!  Cheers to pure bliss...