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So many miles - almost home

Dear bloggers,

Thank you for all your lovely messages and kind words whilst i have been away. I packed more into the past five weeks than I have into the last year! And as I limp my way through Singapore airport I think of the thousands of kilometers Francesco and I did on Australian roads inhaling the raw beauty of the landscape and committing it to memory forever.

I took my (new) Italian husband on a road trip and he too fell in love with the wild Australian aesthetic, open spaces and endless skies. We saw kangaroos and wild pigs, giant lizards and pink and grey galahs and red roads that stretched on forever.

My darling even requested vegemite in the mornings..

As we said good by to my parents and friends at the airport I couldn't hold back the tears. I sobbed the whole way to Singapore feeling as though I have been torn in two. Tired and emotional would be an understatement!

I look forward to returning to blogland shortly when the haze lifts and I sleep for a couple of days. For now a couple of warm croissants and a big coffee.

I missed you all..Carla xx