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St. Nick shoe chic


would that I could leave such a shoe out for Saint Nicholas on Christmas Eve- I am sure that old man would thrill at the sight of this heavenly shoe outside in my hall for leaving a few treasures, some peppermint candy or whatever he deemed I am worthy of for good behavior this year.

that I could produce this Roger Vivier number for the Saint I would.
I can't.
This one is tucked in at the Metropolitan in the Costume Institute likely nestled in some air tight cloud. The slipper was designed for Pauline de Rothschild ca. 1966 and is made of silk, plastic and cotton. Who says I don't like plastic?

& it measures 11 inches- big shoes to fill.

I do have this just outside my bedroom door, a tiny replica of the slipper from the Met Store's collection of ornaments created from their Costume Institute shoe collection.
It is the best I can do,
sorry Santa baby,
will you even bother?

what if any-old Christmas traditions do you follow?
