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 oddly the holiday that brings pine and holly
brings a stillness no rustling of green can shutter.

as with Loss, December races to catch us-coming in red and green.

children never wonder at the slight trace of sadness in a beautiful mother's smiling face-
a granmother's happy forbearance of mistletoe. 
women who have lost father, sister, little siblings, parents, husbands-
the faces that shown brightly in their midst-
how they must have shown just a bit brighter in holiday's waning candle.

memory that glows to crackling when a December day closes-
 memory that comes cautiously close-peering through the tinsel and lights.
caressing Us down that old wooded path to Love.

it is right to remember.
it is good to find these loving spirits stirring you.
remembering a day when nothing else mattered but Love. 

in loving memory and celebration of my father-February 4,1930-December 19, 2004, my parents wedding anniversary of December 23, 1951, & my grandparents anniversary of December 24, 1918.

painting -Vilhelm Hammershøi. Interior with Young Woman seen from the Back..