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all tied up


I have a bountiful collection of wreaths in natural materials that I love to bring out every year. Less fond am I of the fake green wreaths so these manage to  stem the tide of evergreen needles all about the house drying, browning and generally looking bedraggled. How I would love to say- I made these glorious things-but they are all made by a company called Salzburg Creations.

Some I have had for years-the clove wreath and topiary covered in gold fastenings that hold the spikes. The clove fragrance is still as fresh as it was five years ago when they first decked the halls.  Baroque bows in yards of green taffeta, olive, ikat and velvets embellish the wreaths.

I tie all the bows hoping no two are exactly alike-rather than striving for perfection and uniformity each one has the feeling of just being tied.
