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MRS TREFUSIS TAKES A TAXI wonderful blog and truly BEAUTIFULLY written, dropped this little box on me  and I offer her my humble thanks. She tells me- This award," like all good inheritances, comes entailed with conditions" - pass the award onto 6 other bloggers & reveal things about yourself.



(go see them all by clicking on the blog title)

 random things about me

 I love Myrna Loy-in any movie, especially and for always the THIN MAN'S Nora Charles 
or here as Mrs. Blandings:

Sarah Bernhardt and I share the same birthday- make of it what you will. I am thrilled.

I insist that I am a woman, though I still get occasional emails asking, I am amused-still.

4th grade photo offered as proof

Turtles are my talisman- ok, So I have blogged about this once, 
but it gives me an opportunity to offer this blog post  you may not have read.

 I love the music of Mother Maybelle, this started at an early age- It just comes over me, I have to hear some Mother Maybelle.

I would easily select Oscar Wilde as my dinner partner-if asked to choose from the famous & drink in his witticisms and feast on his erudition.

I am a bit superstitious, why risk it? What about you? Tell me something I don't know about You, dear reader.

drawing by YSL from book LOVE by Yves Saint Laurent