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Elsie x 2


Sir Charles Mendl and  ELSIE

  take a look at this cosmic decorating time warp.

I do!

 the pair assembled at the British Embassy in Paris
to say their vows of undying? love?
(note the beloved Blu Blu attends the ceremony)

Passing the Elsie test

 ah! the gifts- one can only imagine the loot Elsie collected-
& banished if it did not meet her de Wolfe aesthetic.

"I believe in plenty of optimism and white paint." EdW
 (some things One can not paint over.)


the couple selecting rings
(note Blu Blu's french high chair)

Holland Taylor recreates the one and only Elsie de Wolfe, and of course,that is, indeed- Mario Buatta posing as Sir Charles Mendl. Elsie was the blushing bride at age 57! or more. (Yes there's HOPE.)  The groom was 55, Elsie purported to be a young 57, (at least) according to sources.

Love Match
After All

Elsie with Blu Blu
(and Mendl propping up the fireplace)

"He looks so wonderful against the fireplace." EdW

Holland Taylor studied de Wolfe as all good actresses would and came up with these observations: 'Elsie de Wolfe hated her Looks, so her face is quite guarded.'

Keeping it loose

"In my struggle to lift myself out of the rut of ugliness and mediocrity, 
I did everything I could to keep fit."
(this mantra- at age 10, little Elsie swore off candy for life)

Taylor again- "And it's obvious that Elsie really didn't like her hands either. When she wasn't wearing little white gloves, she curled them into the oddest shapes, which only made them look like claws."

always with something up Her sleeve

like little ways to make money
 "Entertaining for Elsie was both an art and a business-" Elsa Maxwell

Mainbocher would give Elsie a tidy dividend for mentioning that-
SHE was wearing Him. 
She also decorated the Chicago born couturier's Paris salon.
always concerned with keeping up with clients (the Fricks)
Elsie could make deals with a restaurants-
hotels, antique dealers- reaping services for those rendered.

Photographs from the NYTimes Style and Entertaining Magazine* story conceived by Brigitte Lamcombe, photographer, Barbara Turk, stylist and Mitchell Owens writer- AT LONG LAST LOVE here .*

resting on her laurels


according to The Power of Style authors, Tapert and Elkins,
Elsie devised the cushiony upholstered bed rest with arms-
(casually known as a husband- I doubt if Elsie came up with that one!)

The Mendl's left Paris, fleeing to the States (Beverly Hills) to sit out World War II. Elsie created a fantasy stage set of a house called After All. She admitted to its impermanence, its temporary chic, knowing Villa Trianon, her dazzling Versailles creation was waiting. She returned and restored the Villa's damages sustained during the War.

Finally giving up her vital lifestyle- for repose, Elsie embarked on her final performance. Cecil Beaton said of Elsie, who held court in bed propped up- wearing evening jackets, organdy, white gloves and diamond bracelets-
  " Elsie is certainly prettier- prettier than she has ever been before.
(at long last-After All)

Spring 2001 issue New York Times Magazine Style and Entertaining
The Power of Style- Annette Tapert and Diana Edkins.

*NOTE: I have not seen these images or story out and about on the internet, if USED-please give the creators proper credit-