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in the Swedish Manor

Charming! Interior designer Edie van Breems welcomes the spirit of Christmas past with a unique display of her family's Christmas cards. This is always a bit trying for me- once a sleigh, once a silver tray and another time I just tossed them in a drawer. I have had small successes with an old cupboard tucking them around and in the shelves and on the glass, until more cards cAme in and upset the arrangement, onecard slumping over the other and collapsing in a sad pile of snarled tinsel and dross.

This looks to be and from the description on her blog- SWEDISH INTERIORS by ELEISH VAN BREEMS- here  easily executed &  isn't that perfect in this day and time of year.

Here- the description from Edie on her post about the photograph and arrangement of cards;
"Wooden farm containers and bowls filled with greens, ornaments and pine cones are displayed on a Finnish kettle cabinet in this holiday card vignette. The empty frame idea is something children love and you can set up these "holiday frames" to have in their own rooms to decorateand collect their cards from friends and relatives." (EVB)

I certainly have the frames- will have to work on the wall space-but it is a charming idea to prop up a frame here and there with cards strung across to see and share the festive ones that come into the house-and I do love them all-especially all the client cards with growing families surrounded by wreaths and holly.

If this beautiful photograph looks familiar- Right! Edie's home is featured in this month's Christmas issue of COUNTRY LIVING   &  here. Edie's house is filled with copper molds, wooden flasks, wheat sheaths, a pig, a straw goat and a Marimekko pattern splashed apron. The exquisite simplicity of the still life Edie has created on her post and in the magazine make me long for a similar celebration. These traditions she keeps obviously run deep as do mine-that's why I wonder if I would truly be satisfied with the outcome. Do you wrestle with cards-What is the fashion- at your house?

Check out the shop and the books Edie and her partner, Rhonda Eleish have created here and here.