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orbiting in a different sphere


I adore lifestyle blogs- glimpses into the world of other bloggers- here dubbed BLOGSTYLE.
I like to watch- simply put-Be it a train wreck of mock Kelly Wearstler ,Vervoordt or a Zen garden worthy of the master Bodhidharma.

How do other people live?

Formally, Informally?
a house steered by a regulatory commission? granted the addition of children into a BLOGSTYLE calls for rules of a sort-blogstyles must have structure.
I have so many BLOGSTYLES that I follow. What strikes me are the extremes-the creative or THE- I did this today and My accomplishments are as follows...

Where do I fall? My little postings are an honest look at the world beyond my own.

Here within the walls of my world  ALWAYS-I require,
I SHALL have it.

A jumble of Indian quilts and faux fur throws  number in the 10's around the house. Three on my bed. One as a covering on a french day bed in my upstairs hall. Two stoles-a wool plaid, a paisley throw collect in a chair where Remus the Cat sleeps. That Cat chair- just off what was called MY OFFICE is now REMUS' OFFICE. He does- everything in there-amidst my fabric library, files, printers, work tables- Remus is often in his office, he dearly loves the fax.

At the top of the stairs- A Guest Room, at the moment occupied by my oldest Brother who spends the winter months at our house. The room with its low walls- typically beckons a more Comtesse Elizabeth de Feuillide type with its prie dieux, old French painted bed and armoire, dainty chandelier, French chair- Well, Just Everything French, but with the Jane twist. Right now it holds all Brother's belongings- a room for a Mountain Man. The French bed is covered in a quilt-a couple actually, and down comforter.

In my Sitting Room- the hub of the house more indulgences-meaning more quilts and throws. Zetta, my dog, holds court in one of my mother's  generous wing chairs-toile covered back and fur lined seat-all custom covered for Mademoiselle Zet. Quite comfortable.

I honestly love to lounge* on my furniture whether sofa in the Sitting Room, or more formal pieces- a French chair or Swedish settee.
To loll,
to laze,
to idle,
to relax- in a word

Mine is a very informal household. Formal furnishings- but lived in, lived on, Cat and Dog On.
Everyone must be comfortable about and amongst us.

There are few rules- little structure-I can-there are no little ones to schedule-alas, I will never have a child! (from one of my  favourite movies-Black Narcissus.
I abhor a schedule- place 1 in front of my nose and I will scream like the little brat I would bring forth-if I had a child.
The only time I have to organize is when I work with clients-always plopping myself in my SUV and traveling about an hour to be Designer.

I say each to his own~
but just for comparison- 
A Sunday in the Life of Little A.

rise at 7 for an airing out of Mlle. Zetta- a nibble of food for Zet as well.

Open the house-a time I always revel in- even if it is 5 a.m.-Zetta's previous alarm clock setting- which I am desperately trying to undo- I did say I hated a schedule.
Open curtains, blinds, shutters-

I always light candles. I prefer the Diptyque ones-the smokey woodsy sort-or I will take an intense scent of their Tuberose. Right now I am burning Thornhill from DL & Co.- a perfect Winter scent. Venturing beyond those two would be reckless but I have found Chelsea Flowers to be heady, evoking a Spring moment in the midst of snow.

Today was civil-I actually made the coffee immediately- a something or another blend-better than my own Folger's (you may gag-but do so quietly)- the current coffee brewing is my brother's.
Since I was in bed by just after midnight reading-I got about 6 hours-it will hold Me.

do I get the NYTimes in?
or wait for Brother to come down and trot out-
I wait.
I check emails,
I read-
I take a nap right there on the sofa- Zetta sleeps-oblivious to all the activity.

I chat with Brother,
then Mother.
I dine-
I breakfast-on what? ah, Yes- cheese toast- whole wheat bread from Whole Foods (where else?) and as my dear friend 9 year old Ewan would say- American cheese (being cheddar)

I Dress-Jeans, sweat shirt- pony tail, Clark's desert boots-do they still call them that?
Mine are Blue-very blue-
Don't step on them.
I ask my Bro- should I wear earrings?
He replies-By all means.

Where are we going-you ask?

Off to my own personal HELL -the grocery store.
I absolutely hate it- We have agreed to split the list, less time, less pain.
I still hate it. I actually try to weasel my way out but
No go-
(no boring details about what one buys in a somewhat rural Food Lion)
but I did snag some capers.
If there is anything worse that the shopping- it is the putting away.
On hand for this is my Mother, she still follows her Mother's protocol about putting away groceries-Wash the refrigerated items.
Well then- that's Her job.

I concoct a soup- my Auntie refers to it as black soup-
Here is what goes in it-(no proportions or brand names) spinach, cannellini beans, broth, shallots, garlic, sage, fennel seed to taste.
If this is any semblance of an Actual soup- Do Tell.

Here is the amazing thing about my day-with all the talk of cleaning and housekeeping over at Darlington House- I decide to get with the dusting!
Dear God can it be? 
Reggie Darling of Darlington House has either inspired me or shamed me into spit shining my furniture.
Here is what I wore- No not really a uniform, but thought it might be fun to note- Gray sweat pants( colour of choice for me- No juicy sets  & a T-shirt (I had to unload the  grocery store sweat shirt ) Putting groceries away makes me hot (right now there are a few very close friends that are saying- Everything Makes You Hot!)
The T-shirt is a London T an exact copy of the one worn by Joey Ramone from here 
When cleaning-I try to assume the role of my wonderful daylady cleaner- G. How would G. do this?
I always do a much better job if I approach the work this way-

Well- here I sit tapping away at the keys- writing this right Now.
I absolutely did not watch the Super Bowl
Bright Star.
I cried.
Now in the great tradition of a famous London resident-

...and so to bed.

1st Image from Black Narcissus
*French s'allonger, to stretch out, from Old French alongier, to lengthen, from Medieval Latin allongare : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin longus.