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The One Brown Girl Challenge

A message from OBG creator, Tracey Friley
Of course you don't need me to tell you that Haiti needs our help.  I have personally committed to collecting gently worn shoes in the community I live in to help Soles4Souls on their quest to send 1,000,000 pairs of shoes to Haiti and I would like to challenge you to do the same.  Please.  Go into your closet and select at least one pair of gently worn shoes (in any size, including children's, men's, etc.) and take them to your local Finish Line before February 20, 2010 (dates may be different at different store locations).  As a bonus, if you email a picture of yourself donating at least 10 pair shoes (at a Finish Line store only), I will personally send you a small gift of appreciation! 
Here is an excerpt of an email I received from a lovely woman who took me up on the challenge.  She is a true testament to the power of giving.  (Warning: Get out your box of tissue.)  "When I learned of [OneBrownGirl.com®'s] shoe drive [challenge], I thought what better way to give back and help others in need. What’s more it inspired me to have the strength to begin cleaning out my Mother’s belongings [who recently passed away]. While it was very painful to pack up her brand new and gently worn shoes, I realized that at least 50 women would be walking in her shoes. So even though she is in Heaven, I know she would have been proud to donate shoes to help those in need. Indeed my Mother’s legacy of community service will live on through those few blessed in Haiti to receive shoes from [OBG's] shoe drive [challenge].  God Bless your organization for your endeavors and bringing attention to this wonderful cause."
With dedication, commitment & love,