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Details Count.

One of the many things about  being an interior designer is finding inspiration in dressmaker details. The world of fashion and interior design are constantly overlapping-

The materials both professions use are always popping up on a coat or a chair. Couture details are always on my mind when I am using a solid fabric be it a silk, or simple cotton. One reason I still subject myself to a Harper's Bazaar issue with Miley Cyrus on the cover is for this little pearls floating in a sea of  silt. Next time you pick up a Vogue- see these touches and translate one of them into a swathe of a curtain you might want to wear.

Here are some pages from my notebook of couture tailoring details used to inspire curtain designs.

The detail ruffled band on this blouse can be used - just set in- from the leading edge of a curtain panel. It is much more appealing than a "flouncy" sort of ruffle-if a feminine touch is wanted. This little detail can also be placed on a pillow face. Again set to the inside edges of the pillow front-creating a bordered edging of sorts. Solid, soft or crisp fabrics, small stripes like the shirt here, or prints-just about any fabric, expensive or not so much, can take this addition when constructing curtains.

The fabric  of this little"ruffled band" is best doubled over or the edges flat-felled. If you are really taken with this, do a mock up in an cheap fabric to get through the trial and error phase rather than ruining your fabric.

This elaborate detailing with rows and rows of folds seamed top and bottom works as a curtain header, on a leading  panel edge or even at the bottom of a curtain hem( IF the bottom folds are left unbound). Again, No "flouncy" fuss. The folds or pleating give enough structure to add sophistication and not frills. Pressed or soft folds work for finishing off the treatment.

Experienced seamstresses only-at least do a mock up before cutting away at fabric for the actual design.

This little trick is great with stripes.Galiano obviously preferred the mitered stripes unmatched (who would question?), but I would miter them in my little curtain project. As a border, rows and rows of strips of stripes to create an entire panel look great. The reverse of this fabric should look as good as the front when the panel is finished. Straight-Unpuckered seams (that is awful)  are musts. Use as little tension on the needle as you can get away with- Without it falling apart.

Steal these couture techniques to make your curtains- Well, prettier. If you are a designer, your clients expect it & if you are venturing out on your own to sew them (impressive) or to find someone to make them- Details count.

All images are from Vogue or Haper's Bazaar back issues.