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Gray's de Stael & DVF


Francine du Plessix Gray

You must read this book.You can read it ONLINE right now at DAILYLIT here
Diane von Furstenburg wants you to-here 
I want you to-
Isn't that enough?

The author, Francine du Plessix Gray, jets through the famous, infamous grand Madame de Stael with jaunt, wit and truth. France's saloniste of the Napoleonic period-She could barely gain a foot hold in  Paris before Napoleon and his ego would oust her. Napoleon disliked the first Modern Woman and she in turn never relented in her expressing her strong opinions about his reign- making her life filled with more drama (she was a bit of one-a drama queen that is) and her bags at the ready.

"Life is about giving, you know? That's a lesson I can give. It's a luxury to give. And even if people take advantage of you a little bit, it's okay." DVF

The entire idea of DailyLit is quite amazing and for this book to be available to so many is impressive, the generosity of von Furstenburg is impressive- and MADAME is beyond all of that.

The author-on style.com here

Read about the author GRAY here

another book by du Plesseix Gray I recommend-
