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Victoria Thorne in Germany & the light of Lavender


In Strasbourg, the light in cathedral cast shards of soft white, grey, lavender & burnished silver on us.

In the Pfalz region of Germany, in a tiny town called Nussdorf, there is a sweet and charming bed & breakfast, the Villa Delange.

The room in which we stayed was painted in shades of lavender; you didn't really realize it, upon arrival.
It just sort of settled you in, and the softness of the walls and the light and the loveliness made the visit something out of the ordinary.

There is a great peace to lavender. It doesn't need to be much of a color, sometimes. It can disguise itself as gray, or white, or blue.
But it is in the light all around us. 

In a backward glance, you will often find that peace was right there, beside you, hidden in a color.

I'd thought it was something else, but looking around in the pale morning light: every wall, every sill, all across the ceiling. All shades of this color. Lavender.
Was I dreaming? 

all photographs used with the permission of Victoria Thorne
