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a terrific series of photographs of DV here
as I've said before- DIANA VREELAND is an infinite inspiration for aspiring aesthetes. All my favourite bloggers have written at least 1 post about DV-if Not ,Get Busy! I've been going through my Visionaire 37 Diana Vreeland Memos,* most of us know DV's- Why Don't You? columns. The Vreeland Memos are glimpses into the thoughts of this iconic fashion Diva. If only Diana had been able to Email- Imagine the ideas that would constantly being tossed about and out. There is a wonderful stream of consciousness in the memos that reveal a vitality, a passion for the business of fashion and an iron will to insure her staff knew what she expected, and it was all delivered with an exuberance that must have been infectious. Mrs Vreeland was always thinking,thinking, thinking. I hope to share some of the DV memos that amuse, some that are vague-odd, random, and some that are truly brilliant over the next weeks & months.

(this memo went out to Madame De Langlade, Mrs Schiff, Mrs. Di Montezemolo, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Mellen, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Tuten  from Mrs. Vreeland dated April 11, 1969)


Jay Canne is very interested in great
bathrooms anywhere - Paris, London,
Rome, San Francisco - anywhere.. We will
send people to photograph them.

I know that Miss Canne has spoken to 
several of you about this but nothing
yet has come in or been accomplished.

We must work on this every day in every
way and call everyone we know everywhere
in the world.

We really want beautiful bathrooms.

We would like to call these bathing rooms.

Voila! A perfect 'bathing room'- first introduced by An Aesthete's Lament (read more here)
DV would have thoroughly  approved.


described by An Aesthete's Lament:
Pierre Sciclounoff's... master bath, in which walls of smoke-grey velvet frame a delicately modelled antique chimneypiece. Especially inspiring was his decision to install two tubs, each encased in minimalist polished-metal surrounds. The taps of each are arranged at opposite ends, so the occupants could face each other and converse while soaking in fragrant bubbles. And just out of view is a seating area for aprés-bath relaxation. 

 *This collection of Vreeland memos compiled from her years at Vogue were written to editors, assistants recording her current obsessions from on high-actually DV dictated them to a secretary from her home or in her office in the Graybar Building on Lexington Avenue. Loosely bound and wrapped in red ribbon, "Visionaire 37" reproduces 150 of the 400 surviving memos that detail Vreeland's absolutely definitive thoughts about fashion,photographers, models, and the inner workings of the world's most powerful fashion magazine.