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Gucci Chew


Gucci Chew
a tail of shoe woe

with Little known of dogs living in houses-
as I grew up they were housed
in dog houses.
Moses came my way-
not by bull rush,
but from a life unknown
that He wasn't spilling.

Your little inched tail fits well-around the porcelain
I suppose that you do Too-you Staffordshire Bull,
You do.

There is something undeniably compelling about Us 2
we'll have to adjust to things about which you
Must know-
You Must Not

I never dreamt there would be such losses-
little bits
but big bites,
a sweet little chair leg
a Bit of mohair- now less hair-there.

What got chewed- alas, was a shock none the less.
One pale pink Gucci shoe- Now a chew.
That "G" got chewed ragged, its mate spared somehow-
The bull didn't care.

Oh Moses!
Did you have to ?
Just 1 shoe chewed?
what did that shoe ever do
to You?

Did it have to be the newest of my new shoes
you took as your chew?
What do I do with just 1 good shoe-
Un chewed?

Both shoes were tossed in a basket
Could they be worn at dusk ?
in a crowd?
in a hurry?

Maybe on dog walks-
just us 2.
Tugging along both
victim and thief.
Guilty of dog Love
that would be

Moses- dog gone October 9, 2008.

this delightful photograph "slipper thief" by Susan Mac.
