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Daisy Fellowes' return to Bazaar


Harper's Bazaar's September issue-not so fat-but full of content holds a pleasant surprise for the sartorially inclined & the style historian. Daisy Fellowes, heiress-daughter of the Duke Decazes and Isabelle Singer, returns to the pages of the magazine she was editor of in Paris during the 1930's. The issue devotes ten pages to Daisy revamping her sharp lines and profile in fall fashions. Sadly though their choice of Jennifer Aniston posed as Barbara Streisand-this cover goes to subscribers, while a typical Aniston cover is on the newsstand-, is dismal. Streisand's face-especially her profile- is an undefinable and part of her persona. More, much more Streisand-Aniston vamping takes place within the issue's pages. Streisand is hardly ready for tribute spreads-why not lure the superstar in for her own shoot?

In the meantime -these Daisy visions will assuage.

 "Daisy Chic"

 Karl Lagerfeld calls her "the chicest woman I ever laid eyes on," and that has got to be countless numbers.

 Style maker and Paris editor for Harper's Bazaar in the 1930s
considered by many to be "the world's most elegant woman."

"a good fashion is a daring fashion, not a polite one."

from the elegant lens of Karl Lagerfeld and words by David Vincent in the September issue

