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PINK augury


There is nothing new under the SUN! True.

New Blog- New Topics. I hope so- but if I step on toes, Sorry, well here goes.
I for one believe that nothing is so "SO" that new perspectives and new insights can't be experienced.

It's just history repeating itself- An ongoing belief of mine and one I see everyday in work and world and one that will be a recurring theme in my blog.


In the spirit of new ideas- I am going to attempt to POST PINK for February.

Think PINK!, I hate PINK!, PINK Stinks? , in the PINK... Pretty in PINK, Does any of this apply to you?

I hope to make you love pink by the end of February- or maybe just be glad the month is a short one!

Now don't expect NOTHING but PINK - but every time I post there will be something PINK.

Verushka photographed by Irving Penn.

So- let me know what you think about PINK?


I selected the photograph to be representative of Little Augury, my blog , because... I Absolutely Love it.
It is one in my new- but growing- collection of photographs from the late 19th century ongoing.

This photograph is by a photographer known only as GIRAUDON'S ARTIST. I purchased two of these works from Paul Frecker in London. Alas, I wish I had purchased more. Here are the two I couldn't live without.

2 Peasants ~ A. Giraudon

close up ~ A. Giraudon

Lamb~ A. Giraudon

I checked back with Paul to get the details and here is what he wrote siting his source:
In the 1870’s, the Paris printer A. Giraudon advertised that he had commissioned a painter who wished to remain anonymous to produce a series of artist’s studies. The Millet-like photographs that subsequently appeared were probably that series, and it is more than likely that they were taken near Barbizon. The photography is marked by slight technical faults, which may indeed suggest a painter turned amateur photographer. There is a strong spirit of Barbizon and of the paysanne in these images and the occasional blurring of figures carrying their loads is evocative of Impressionism.
[Source: Ken Jacobson’s Etudes d’Après Nature, 1996.]
Who was the photographer for A. Giraudon? Here are links to galleries that have works of the same if you want to see the loveliest photographs that in my mind might surpass some of the paintings from the Barbizon School of landscape painters. Charles Isaacs of New York , Contemporary Works/Vintage Works Ltd. Chalfont Pa. The National Gallery's show entitled In the Forest of Fontainebleau: Paintings and Photographs from Corot to Manet last Spring featured a number of A. Giraudon's Artist works. Perhaps it is the quality of the photographs themselves and the reality they capture that set them above the realism the Barbizon School was trying to capture. This is why photography has become a TRUE art form and can capture many times what the brush cannot.
Millet of the Barbizon School, was reacting to the grand Academies and Salons of the period with its Romanticism-the flourishes, the monumental works of tragedy and the flesh. Here are some of his paintings and drawings.

Perhaps it was Millet or maybe another of the many noted artists of the Barbizon? Either way the artist-as photographer- achieved greatness with these photographs, albeit anonymous-but perhaps that is best.