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Lauren Hutton FACE

"Our wrinkles are our metals of the passage of our life... I don't think I will ever cut my face, because once I cut it, then I never know where I've been. Lauren Hutton

I can not imagine any real woman that does not like- LOVE- Lauren Hutton. I received an email from Jenna- J.Crew's creative wonder yesterday with new J.Crew spring styles that featured Hutton. I shop at J.Crew- Doesn't everyone?

Go to the site and see the incredible pictures of Lauren Hutton.

the email from J. Crew

Lauren Hutton for J. Crew

Lauren Hutton is- I might point out- a Never Married Woman. Does anyone ask her Why? She is southern girl- born: Charleston South Carolina - that is, born in 1943. That makes her what? 65? I find that amazing!

Lauren Hutton and J.Crew: a perfect fit. Two American fashion forces that are true originals. The pictures are in black and white. When you look at the photographs think about the amazing sights those eyes have seen- now punctuated with the wisdom of age. Hutton is also proof that women of a certain age can pull off long hair. She would not be Lauren Hutton without the slightly wild mane of golden & now some gray tresses-no doubt. Take a look at the hands of a woman that has not sat on the sidelines getting manicures every week.

Recently, Cate Blanchett said her husband would divorce her if she turned her face, body over to plastic surgery. First thought- why would she? She is another Lauren Hutton type- an absolute original. On second thought- the pressures of her industry and Hutton's as well seem to dictate it. Just take a look at the faces of Madonna ad Demi Moore- I've had the younger generation swear the early pictures, movies of both are not in fact-Them. Their faces bear a resemblance to the public face we see today -but not an Original.

Take a look at MS. Hutton- Live and Learn.

Hutton by Avedon

FYI- In poking about to see what J.Crew is all about I found this great BLOG devoted to J.Crew- jcrewaholics